Every Crosscard account maintains 3 balances:
- Actual Balance – The full balance of funds on account
- Blocked Amount –Amounts being held due to approved transactions
- Available Balance – The amount available to spend on the account, calculated from actual balance minus the blocked amount value.
Notes on transaction processing
During the authorisation, Crosscard checks a series of factors to determine if the transaction should be approved or not; e.g.: if the account has insufficient funds then the transaction will be declined.
If the authorization is approved (Auth approved) the “Blocked Amount“ on the account will be increased by the billing amount of the transaction. The blocked funds can not be spent until the authorization is finalised, either by being presented (settled), or released by the merchant; i.e.: the available balance will be reduced by the billing amount of the transaction.
The Bill Amount represents the amount the balance is reduced in the currency of the account. If transaction currency and card currency match this amount is equal.
The Available Balance can also be reduced by fees that are calculated as part of the transaction. The value of all approved authorizations which have not been finalised yet (“open”) is represented in the Blocked Amount column.
When the transaction is presented, the associated approved authorisation is considered closed and:
1. The Blocked Amount on the card is reduced by the sum of the bill amount of the respective approved auth transaction.
2. The Actual Balance is reduced by the same amount.
Blurring Balances
In order to blur your balance, simply log into and on the main dashboard you will find a little eye icon.
Clicking on this icon will allow you to easily blur your balance in case you are accessing your account at the office and would like to preserve some privacy.
Please note that blurring your balance will not blur it for Crosscard customer service representatives.
Crosscard S.A. | 26-28, Rue Edward Steichen | L-2540 Luxembourg
Company B215831 | Registered in Luxembourg