Understanding Your Transactions Table
Expense/Assistance/Reward Cards
- Transaction ID: important when referencing a transaction that is missing, that is fraudulent, a deposit that is missing etc.
- Transaction date: date the transaction was executed
- Booking date: date the transaction was booked and actually credited or debited from your account
- Status: Active, Suspended (this can be temporary), Cancelled (these accounts are permanently deleted and money cannot be transferred to them), Received
- Amount: the amount
- Type: Card Load, Card Unload
- Transaction to/from: 9-digit card ID for which it is loaded
- Internal reference: personal number (eg. number for sales – can be the person from finance or the sales identification – token number)
- External reference: External ID, a detail that can be personalised
Purchase Cards
- Booking date: date the transaction was booked and actually credited or debited from your account
- Card Number: 9-digit card number on the bottom left-hand corner of the card
- Description: the merchant
- Amount: the amount
Payout Cards: