What Happens With Refunds and Chargebacks?
With regards to products not received
The merchant has 30 days from the order confirmation to deliver the product/services, unless the expected date is clearly mentioned in the invoice. In case you have not received the item within 30 days or you have received a damaged or wrong item, kindly try contacting the merchant to request a replacement or a refund.
In case the merchant does not respond to your request, we might be able to initiate a chargeback through the Mastercard system, in order to try and reverse the transaction(s). To do this, we kindly ask you to fill in the dispute form which is attached in an email (that you will receive once you have contacted support@crosscard.com) and send it back to us, together with all the evidence you might have that you tried to contact the merchant (for example, emails you have sent to the merchant). Please also attach your payment invoice to the email.
With regards to 3rd party fraud
Please contact support@cardstatus.com and report the unauthorised transactions. A dispute form will be sent to you. If you suspect any misuse or fraud, you can request to reclaim any unauthorised transactions by completing a form sent to you and returning it to us (support@cardstatus.com), in pdf format, as an attachment to this email.
In case your transactions still show as 'not finalised' in your transaction history we ask that you wait for the transaction to be finalised or released back into your account balance before sending us the dispute form, as we can only begin our assessment of disputed transactions when all transactions are fully finalised. We will process your chargeback request as soon as we receive the dispute form, and inform you per email regarding the outcome