Home Tab
The home tab will allow you to see the available balance on your card, your transactions, and allow you to complete expense reports. Here is a brief overview of its features:
- Heading (Card balance)
- Balance of the card
- Interaction bar (eg. missing receipt notice, related to point 4 and 11.)
- Number of missing receipts (Relate to point 3 and 11.)
- Transaction time frame filter
- Transaction detail arrow (Upload receipt, category adjust, etc.)
- Transaction amount
- Transaction date
- Load transaction (credit)
- Create a report with multiple transactions
- Missing receipt notification (Relate to point 3 and 4.)
- Merchants name
- Expense category
- Profile screen
- My Card screen
- Home screen
- Dynamic navigation bar
Selecting Multiple Transactions
Within the Home tab, you are able to see the dashboard of your account with your available wallet balance, the missing receipts, and the transactions.
In order to create multiple reports, you can select the ellipsis (...). Once the report is complete on the app, you have the option of saving the report or sending directly to stakeholders.
Amending the Timeframe
In order to amend the timeframe for which your transactions are shown, click on the Home tab in order to see the transaction list.
Afterwards, click on the drop down, giving you options of the following time frames: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, previous month, last 3 months.
Beyond this time frame, you will have to reach out to a customer service representative in order to be helped further (support@cardstatus.com).
Adding a Receipt to a Report
In order to add a receipt to an expense report, simply click on the Home tab and select one of your transactions.
Click on the grey icon with the black plus sign, in order to take a new photo or choose from the library.
When taking a photo, please ensure that all four corners are visible and that the photo is of high quality.
Choosing a Category for Your Expense Report
In order to categorise your expense as coming from a particular category, simply go onto the Home tab found in the bottom right-hand corner and select a transaction from the dashboard.
Once you have selected a transaction, click on the black dropdown expense category.
You have several options of how you would like to categorize your expense as: service, hotel, taxi, travel, office expenses, shopping, car rental, groceries, restaurant, health, utilities, insurance, entertainment, ATM withdrawal, and Other.
Adding Notes
In order to add a note to an expense report, simply click on the Home tab, select the desired transaction and add a note in the blank section.
You can always go back to the note and amend it as you wish. This space can be optimally used in order to give a short description of what the expense was or possibly even an internal or external reference for the expense.
The note is for personal use, and does not appear on the expense report.
Crosscard S.A. | 26-28, Rue Edward Steichen | L-2540 Luxembourg
Company B215831 | Registered in Luxembourg